The launch of the Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce in Sweden

The Royal Sweden Hong Kong Business Council (RSHKBC) has been re-organised to the Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce in Sweden. For more information please refer to our Press release. The new organisation will continue the mission of promoting trade relations between Sweden and Hong Kong and act as a catalyst for joint partnerships. Please come […]

Hong Kong S.A.R. 20th anniversary reception

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in London together with the Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce in Sweden will hold a reception on the 11th of October. For more information please email

Invitation to a seminar on Hong Kong and launch of HKCCSE Southern Chapter

Hong Kong rapidly evolves into the leading hub of East Asia in a large number of key areas, and is among the top five in the world in banking, design, research, education and innovation, but also tourism. Hong Kong is also an entrance to China as well as a center in the Great Bay Area. […]

Chinese New Year celebration in Stockholm

On the 6th of February the traditional Chinese New Year Celebration will be held in Stockholm to kick off the Year of the Dog. The evening begins at 17:30 with a seminar in the auditorium where Ms Priscilla To, Director-General of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, London of the Hong Kong Special Administrative […]

Kallelse till ordinarie årsstämma i Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce in Sweden

Datum: 21 mars 2018, klockan 16:30-17.30 Plats: EY, Jakobsbergsgatan 24, Stockholm Mötets öppnande Val av ordförande för stämman Val av protokollförare för stämman Val av två justeringspersoner Godkännande av dagordning Prövning av om kallelse till stämman har skett i behörig ordning Styrelsens verksamhetsberättelse, se bilaga 1 Framläggande av årsredovisning och revisionsberättelsen Beslut om fastställande av […]

Invigning av sektion norr av Hongkong Handelskammare

Vi samlar regionala intressenter från offentlig sektor, akademi och näringsliv för att lyfta potentialen av samverkan och betydelsen för Norra Sverige med Hongkong som marknad och “Gateway to China”. Datum: onsdag 28 mars 2018 Tid: 15:00 - 17:15 (mingel till 17:45) Plats: Rex rådhuset, Rådhustorget 1, Umeå Syfte: Formellt lansera etablerandet av sektion Norr, Hongkongs handelskammare i […]

Breakfast seminar – Art & Design

Hill+Knowlton Strategies Vasagatan 11, plan 2, Stockholm, Sweden

We welcome members and friends to join our breakfast seminar. We are delighted to present todays speaker Cilla Winbladh, CEO JoAnn Tan Studio AB and Andrew Mead, chief architect, MTR Corporation Hong Kong. Cilla Winbladh founded JoAnn Tan Studio in the end of 2010 together with renowned creative director JoAnn Tan. Cilla and the team of creative […]

A gastronomic After Work with SAS

September 4th we met with SAS at the HiltonKnowlton Strategies office in central Stockholm to hear what Hong Kong has to offer when it comes to gastronomy. The guests also had the oppurtunities to taste the new meals onboard served by SAS. The concept is called New Nordic and sustainability and simplicity are two factors […]